Sunday, November 22, 2009

Breaking News...

News is the largest medium of informing us about our surrondings, about the country and about all the informations about the world.The word NEWS made of the first alphabet of the names of four directions..North..East...West...South..Wiith the help of news we can get the information about our politics, our movies and music world, our corporation sector, crime and safety branches. We can get all kind of informations from the news channels..

But from the past few months i've noticed that news channels are spreading some foolish things in front of the public. They dont have the news of current affairs but still they have to run their channels, to increse their TRP's. So for that they are doing some foolish things. If they are not having any kind of news, they make the same from their own. For increasing their channels TRP's they are showing some funny videos to the public which are already available on the internet. I think thet forgot that the channel is for news, not for the entertainment of the public.Some days back i saw the news of "Doom's Day of Earth in 2012"..and that was the Breaking news of all the news channels for some days..and that was nothing but just to ruin the mind of the public, just to attract them towards their News Channels. News relatiod to fictions and some beyond the topic are mostly shown on the News Channels. We know that India is full of the people who believes on the fiction news and that's what the producer of a news channel wants, publicity of their news channel. Media is having the power of taking a millionaire on the road and poor to a millionaire. But that's not the mean that they spread some wrong things to the mind of the public. A news is also in my mind which i've watched on som news channel about the "Disappearence of Ganga River in 2035 ".And some days ago they were saying that the Earth will come to an end in 2012 and now they are saying thar Ganga River will disappeare in 2035. Do anybody ask them that wheather After the Doom's Day of earth Ganga River will remain exist till 2035 ? According to me this is a foolish thing they are spreading to the public..

Now you people can also judge on your own that how rubbish and useless these News Channels are !

In the end i just want to say that i m not pointing towards any single news channel and don't want to hurt anyone's personal feelings.Still i would like to apolozise if i was wrong somewhere..

Regards :

Parteek Chandna

Saturday, November 7, 2009

It's A love Story...Or What.......???

Dear friends and readers you have seened ans listen so many kind of love stories. But this one is something really different. It's a story of a boy and a girl who met on internet, then became friends and then after sometime they both are in love with each other. I want to share this love story with you to know whether it'll be successful or not. I just want to know what's your opinion and my opinion about it is something secret that i can't share with you..i just want to compare your nd mine opinion..So here starts the story.

One day a boy named "R" was surfing on net, he was chating with the people, there he met a girl named "M". Then both talked to each other. Then after some time they both were doing same work and den after they both talk to each other related to their work only. After some time they both became good friends and entered into each other life. They both started sharing problems of their own life with each other. A time ago "M" was in love with a guy named "L"..and when she started talking to "R", she got breakup with L due to some personal disputes..Then after some time "R" and "M" came closer to each other and became best friends. They used to talk with each other in routine.

After some time this relation was exceeded to the extant that there was not even a single day when they didn't talk to each other. Now they were like best-est friends, they talked to each other like they were friends from the past 4-5 years. And during that talk "R" was in love with a girl named "D"...and a time ago when he proposed that girl then she refused the love of "R"..but still "R" was in wait that may be in future "D" would come to him and accept him...but after thinking a lot of time he decided that he won't think of her much more...and he was alone and was in search of a true love...then one day he decided to propose her best-est friend "M"..and he did that.."M" got shocked when she got the proposal from "R" and then she asked "R" to give her some time to take a final decision b'coz she had to think about her family and her career too..and she didn't want to hurt anyone including "R"..

Then after she though about every thing and "R" also helped her alot in her doubts about the decision. After looking out in all the dimensions of her thinking, she said YES to "R"..and accepted his Love..After that they were too much happy and they loved each other a lot. Then after some time "M" told "R" that she loved him from the past 2 months but was not able to tell him about her feeling..She said that once she said that she loves him but added a thing with that line "As a Friend"...Now they were so much happy and loved each other...

Nd yeah i forgot to tell you people that that they both are from different states and even from different religion..and having this thing in their mind still they loved each other and were happy with their relation...Now in Future..........................................................................................................................................................

Now i want to know what will be the future of that couple...i want to take your opinion about this love story.. I m having the next part of that story which tells the future of that couple..But i want to compare your opinion with the nest part....Let's see whether your views and the next part of this story collapse with each other or not...

Regards :-
Parteek Chandna