Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We Call it a Date

Two persons loving each other alot...spare their time to meet each other at some place or where they don't have any kind of tension or other person to disturb their privacy is what we call a date...

go to some restaurant and have a romantic lunch/dinner with your beloved ones and spend that time very romantically and happily with each other is what we call a date...

go on a long drive with your beloved one or go to some park and sit there on a bench holding each other hand or put down your head on the shoulder of your beloved one is what we call a date...

go to some hotel and do some *Beep* things with your beloved ones in a closed room with a sign board of "DND" is what somebody call a date...

or someone who says "my everyday is a date because m having my lover with me all the time..we were lovers and we are a married couple now...infact happy married couple.... who spend our everyday as a date"

hahaha Date what a date...hats off to that person who gave the name "Date" to all those my friends...what do u there any other type of day u spend with your lover and you call that day as a "Date"...*_^